My Mum
Start to the week weather wise was very grey and wet. Mike had to start work at 11 today, so he gave me and the children a lift into Exeter to go to the big library. I would dearly like to have a rant on here about the librarian, but it is late and I cannot be bothered to get myself worked up about it all over again, anyway, have made a complaint,so hopefully thats enough (but she is a mean mean Nellie Olsen)!
Got the bus back with a group of teenage boys on their way to sit their exams, they started to swear, and a few of them saw us sat nearby and said that they shouldnt swear as there were children on the bus, but then there was one boy who just swore, made sexual references and sang about swearing and sex,all the way home. Thankfully, James's singing of "the wheels on the bus" drowned his "rapping" out.
Got home all wet and cold (was very tempted to turn the heating on), put the kettle on and made some pasta for the children and soup for me (tinned, do not really make soup in the summer shame on me).
James nap time, Becky was happy to read, Danny to draw using the sketching books borrowed from the library. Later they both watched the film "Australia" this was part of Beckys unit study, but Danny's dv player (playstation) wasnt working to watch Battle of Britain, so he watched Australia too.
I had checked it out for violence,sex etc,all ok, unfortunately the mum died in it, which upset them both, so they didnt want to talk about the film. Bless.
Becky continued to read her Jean Ure book, and Danny started to read "The Exeter Blitz" by David Rees (his son was in my class at school).
Mike arrived home in the afternoon, he cooked a lovely Roast Chicken for our dinner, then before we knew it, it was bathtime for James, then bed. Mike, Becky and Danny watched Alice In Wonderland, for their Monday Night Movie (just realised they didnt bring me any popcorn - tut!).
Hope you all have a good week.
Lou x
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