Few days to catch up on -
Friday - Went to the coast to meet up with a local HE Photography Group (first time in 10 months since we have been on a HE Trip - big big deal!)
The weather was gorgeous, and we met up with about 15 others on the beach, to watch the ships come in on the high tide, and take photos,with the intention of going to the park afterwards. Well, the ships didnt come in, but we all had a lovely time at the park, all made some new friends and got a bit sun burnt!
So that was the end of a good week for us all - promising interview for Mike, new friends, lovely weather, drama classes going well,and netball seems to be a success, and our first trip out for a while. And we survived it.
Saturday - a scorcher predicted, so we packed up a picnic, rugs, sun tent, football,tennis, frisbys wet suits, kitchen sink etc etc and headed to the beach.
We had such a lovely time. Last year James was scared of the sea, so I thought this would be good for us now, as he isnt allowed to go swimming until he has been seizure free for at least 3 months (Doctors orders) which will be middle of June. But he got into his wet suit, got his body board (as he had to have the same as the other two) and headed straight into the sea. Thankfully it was only at the sea edge, but he had a great time, splashing over the waves and pretending to surf.
Becky and Danny love the sea and spent most of the time there in it, and as the tide was coming in they had a fun time with their boards on the waves. Mike and I went in too, bit cold, but refreshing as it was boiling hot.
We came home in the afternoon, out in the garden and later we had a BBQ.
On Sunday we had planned to go to the beach again, but tummy bugs kept us at home, feeling better by lunch time though. My parents came round for the day and we all spent our time out in the garden.
Were out of the house by 8.30am, Mike, Becky and Danny on their bikes, James with his scooter (well, in his pushchair with the scooter balanced on the back).
Went to the park, they all rode their bikes, James and I stayed in the park. Later Danny and Mike had a quick game of football, then we paid a quick visit to the library,then home to wait for our shopping delivery.
Out in the garden then for most of the day, got the hose out on a couple of occasions to cool us all down.
HE - Usually we have English and Maths on a Monday, but as they were both settled in the garden with their noses in their recently borrowed library books, we decided to leave it. Well, reading is still English obviously, so my routine hasnt totally gone out of the window!
And tomorrow - JAMES WILL BE 3! It feels a bit strange,as I have always felt a little sad on the week leading up to the childrens birthdays, as I always think that they are that much older, growing up, and I end up saying silly things like - this will be the last Monday (or whatever day) that you will be 2 (3, 5 8 whatever) and this is the last time you will do this as a whatever year old - you get the picture. Feeling nostalgic about the year just gone by.
This year I have not felt this AT ALL. Today when we talked about it we both realised that it was because we want to move on from him being 2. 2 was when he was diagnosed with having Epilepsy. When he was 2 some of those days were the worst days of my life. Today I looked at him, and I felt so scared for him, for his future, and yet his innocent little eyes are just that - innocent and unaware of what he has. It was then that I cried, because when I really think about it, I cannot deal with it, cannot come to terms with it, wonder why he has it.
But then I am comforted by my husband and eldest two children, and am thankful for what I have, and that what James has is controllable (hope and pray it is) and that there are so MANY worse things out there, and that we can all deal with this together.
I pray for my son James, I pray with all my heart that he will not have this for ever,and that he will not come to any harm because of it.
Well, on a lighter note (and I think that is needed right now) at the time of my bawling, Mike had received a phone call which was a job update, to tell him that they were just waiting back for the second reference, his former employer, and could he possible in a very polite way, hurry them up. Good news, but as he came out to tell me, I was having a "moment" so the poor man had to wait half an hour for me to calm down and sort myself out before he told me
So, it is now approaching 10pm,I am in bed next to a very tired 2 year old, soon to be 3 year old boy. Mike and Danny are watching the football (England are winning) and putting balloons and banners up for James. Becky is making him a birthday cake.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
God Bless
Lou x
Monday, 24 May 2010
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ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post...a post only a mother's heart could right. I do that same thing too. Counting last times and of course first times. My daughter is not officially finished with school...I wonder where the time went (sigh). You days by the sea and in the garden sound lovely.