Hoping that the weather is going to improve before we go away tomorrow, it is really quite cold here at the moment.
We have had a fairly quite weekend. On Friday we went to a Presentation Evening for Danny's rugby team - something he really wanted to do but I wasnt really that sure about. But we went anyway, it was overcrowded, lots of drinking going on which I found irratating. Now I am not against drinking - I dont drink at all myself, this is because I am still breastfeeding and because I have to be a really light sleeper (which I am anyway - since the children) in case James has a seizure during his sleep. Mike doesnt drink in case he has to drive us to the hosipital.
When there are lots of kids around I just do not think it is right to drink heavily, and clearly some of the men (and a few woman) had had a lot to drink - this was at 6pm.
Drinking aside, I just do not agree with Awards for children at this age (under 10's) now you are probably thinking that if Danny had won an award I would not be moaning about this - but as he had not been to as many games or practice nights as the rest of the team (because of what was happening with James) I really didnt expect him to win anything, and I did tell him this.
However, he said he was disappointed at not receiving an award, especially as there was an award for the best tackler, and Danny I have to say is very very good at this. But now he is wondering why he isnt as good as the lad who won it,and as there were three awards, there were 10 boys who looked a bit upset and bewildered. I really do not think they should be singled out in this way - one boy got an award for the most improved player - yes he has improved, but he spent the first 4 or 5 games not looking interested,and I feel,letting his teamates down, he never listened at practice,just did hand stands all evening. Now he is paying attention, he gets an award, so the message there to the boys is to just not listen, dont do your best, let the rest of the teanm down, turn up in bermuda shorts instead of the standard rugby shorts and then start paying attentiont etc etc and you will get praised for it - above those that have worked really hard ALL season!
Well anyway - rant over there - will not be attending the presentation next year, and will tell the coaches why, will just let Danny turn up for the fun and food afterwards!
So, that was Friday, Saturday was another rainy day, the house was a complete tip, so Mike stayed at home and gave it the once over, and me and the children went into town on the bus to get James a wet suit. It was really busy, but we had time to have a hot chocolate with flake, cream and marshmallows. Well,no marshmallows for James - apparantly he doesnt like it when they put "mushrooms" on his hot chocolate lol!
James had a nap in the afternoon, Mike went to a Carers open day in Exeter, has an interview a week Monday which looks promising. Becky and Danny played on the "Wii" (cheap version - £20) and I lay next to James,reading and looking on the net.
Today - although it was cold, it was sunny, so we did a bit of gardening, my parents came round, and Mike decided to make a cup of tea in his shed (we have the camping equipment in there and the kids love it when we make hot drinks outside). In the meantime,James got his thumb caught in the makeshift gate we have, and I insisted that Mike take it down as this was the second time it had happend. Not minutes later there was the sound of a minature explosion,and Mike is stood in the doorway of the shed, with an axe in his hand and black paint all over him, and a very strange hissing sound!
Well, he had used the axe (recently sharpened I may add) to remove the gate, put the axe back onto the shelf,and somehow managed to pierce a spray can of black paint which then exploded! After he had washed his eyes out and I knew he was ok, then I laughed!
After all the excitement my parents went home, we had our lunch and James is having his afternoon nap. I can smell the beef bourguignon cooking, smells delicious.
Looking forward to our break, just the 5 of us chilling out, walking on the beach, whatever the weather, forgetting about politics, getting a job, housework etc but mainly giving ourselves a well earned break - it has been a tough six months, going through all of this with James, it has really had an effect on us all.
We are clinging desperately onto the hope that his meds are working, and we can start to get our lives back on track again. We all know that our lives are different now, and we know, at least I think we know, that it all may change again, as Epilepsy is still a very mysterious and unpredictable condition.
So we are looking to re-charge our batteries this coming week, and look to the future, a future which is different and more difficult than I anticipated, but none the less, a future I think that myself and my family can now handle and accept.
Hope you all have a good week.
Lou x
Sunday, 9 May 2010
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