Monday 5 July 2010

"school" holidays start today.

We are now officially  on our term break. Not that we have done a lot this past school year, but under the circumstances we haven't done to badly.

Now I think we could do with a well earned break.  The children have been through so much, and I would really like to just spend some fun quality time with them over the next couple of months. Also want to prepare for the next term, routines, groups, and add a little bit more structure (in math and english)

So - what to do today - well, it was sunny when I got up at 5.30, now it looks like it could rain.  Thinking about going into Exeter today, getting a rail card, go to the library, and if the weather is nice, onto the river to feed the ducks.

Hope you all have a good week.
God Bless
Lou x.

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