On Tuesday it was Mikes day off, and we went to see Toy Story 3. It was a special occasion as James has never been to the cinema before. He really loved it, we all did, although there were a few scary bits in the film, and being on a big screen, seemed worse to James, but all in all he enjoyed it.
Wednesday Mike was back to work on a split shift, we spent the day at home, weather wasn't too good, and my parents came out in the evening.
Thursday was a home ed trip, Exmouth Park, not many families had said they were going, and in the morning the weather was atrocious. But, we are not a fair weather family and we all trudged down to the station,rain coats on, big umbrellas and trainers instead of flip flops.
By the time we got to Exmouth (19 miles away - 40 minutes on the train) it was boiling! and when we got to the park, which is on the sea front, the sky was blue, the beach was crowded and the park busy with children.
We met with two other families and had a good time. Mike rang from Exeter to say it was pouring down with rain (or words to that affect!).
In the evening I decided to experiment with my hair using a highlighting kit. OK, lovely colour,but blotchy.
Plans to get another highlighting packet to even in out the next day.
Friday - We went to the library in the morning, on the way home stopped at the chemist for some more hair stuff. Managed to get James settled with a DVD while I attempted the highlighting again, also had some left over so I bleached Becky's fringe, with the idea that she put a plumb colour on making her fringe pinky.
Neither worked, and had to go out and get more hair dye.
Eventually I get the dark colour restored to my hair, but with traces of orange from the highlights and in a very bad condition. Planned to have hair cut the next day, also Becky's has turned out very very purple.
In the meantime, we had a nice day, got lots of house sorting done, charts made and are now in use. Danny had been drawing lots, Becky had been baking lots. James has been helping me, he loves washing the dishes, but uses quite a lot of washing up liquid lol!
Mike and Danny painted the Dining Room wall, and Mike re-painted the kitchen wall and the skirting and door frames. All looks so much brighter now.
Becky and I managed to do a spot of gardening before bedtime, planting out pumpkins, herbs and sweetcorn
Saturday has been spent getting our hair sorted at the hairdressers, best let the professionals sort it out.
My parents came round, we went to the library, and then for a milkshake and coffee at a new coffee bar that had opened - very nice.
Did some more gardening in the evening.
Today - Mike took Danny to the Branscombe Air Show, my mum won tickets for this on Exeter FM last week,
They had a really good time, got sun burnt, thankfully they bumped into a fellow home edder who kindly gave them some sun tan cream, and they ended up shading under the umbrella they took as the forecast was rain!
Will post photos later.
Becky, James and I went to my parents house, then had a walk along the river, into town and had dare I say it Maccy D's, then back on the bus to their house. James had a nap, Mike and Danny came home and my mum cooked a lovely roast.
This evening - bit more gardening and an early night for all.
Lou x
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