Saturday, 28 November 2015

Elf on The Shelf

Our tree is now up, following our tradition of putting the decorations up on the weekend of first Sunday of Advent.

This means that Elfie (from Elf on the Shelf  - but not the actual Elf who was far to creepy looking for my liking) is back.

Have typed out the letter from Santa announcing that he is back, and he will be dangling from our tree in a woollen stocking holding the letter for J tomorrow morning.

This means that for the next 27 days Elfie will be naughty or nice, so we have to make sure we have prepared his pranks or treats every night until Christmas for J to find each morning.

So being fairly organised here is a list:

  1. Arrive with letter from Santa (29th of November)
  2. Special breakfast - 
  3. Line up toy figures opposite Elfie who has Nerf gun
  4. Put in Slow Cooker as if asleep with pillow and blanket
  5. Fishing in bowl with paint brush, string with Fish from Fish and Chip snacks in bowl 
  6. Put red noses on faces on family photo
  7. How many days to Christmas written on bedroom mirror with lipstick
  8. Make snowflakes and hang all over room
  9. Toilet roll tepee the tree
  10. Cover the room in post it notes with Christmas jokes on
  11. Put in blender
  12. Draw minions on bananas 
  13. Make snowman  out of toilet rolls  
  14. Snowball fight with toy figure 
  15. Elf workout with straw and marshmallows 
  16. Sat on Sofa watching Elf with a bowl of spaghetti and M&Ms beside him
  17. Elf in tree after putting Candy Canes all over tree
  18. Elf drinking from pint of milk with straw 
  19. Roasting marshmallow over tea light
  20. Make snowman shape out of cars 
  21. Head sticking out of rice krispie box  
  22. Take selfie of elf and print out
  23. Head sticking out of sharks mouth
  24. Snowman on door 
  25. Elfie in tree again this time with chocolate tree decorations
  26. Special Christmas Eve box gift
  27. Christmas Day - sat on Nativity Scene with letter from Santa.
The Christmas Eve box will contain anything elf like I can find, socks, pj's and hats along with Snowman Soup  and chocolate treats.


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