Saturday, 31 December 2011

20 Questions for a New Year’s Eve Reflection

Taken from (in) Courage

1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?

I would have to say that I cannot think of one magnificent joyous moment that happened this year to make me say that it was the single best thing, but having James seizure free throughout the year has to be the best thing of course, and I am so grateful that his meds are controlling his seizures.

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?

 Home Educating has been the most challenging of all.

It has always, I have to say, been easy.  As my eldest two (13 and 11) have got older it has been more challenging.  I know of lots of families who have older and younger children who manage to home educate, so I do not want to appear to put anyone off every trying or doing this.  But my own circumstances changed in a way that I felt, sorry, we all felt, that school maybe the better option for them.

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Again, like the first question, no one event stands out, joy of course for James being seizure free as in Q1, and joy all year around at having my family around me, and seeing my children flourish, despite some hardships and setbacks.

4. What was an unexpected obstacle?

That would be not feeling confident enough to HE anymore.

5. Pick three words to describe 2011.
Emotional, Challenging  and  Revitalising.

6. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe your 2011 (don’t ask them; guess based on how you think your spouse sees you).

As above

7. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe their 2011 (again, without asking).
As above

8. What were the best books you read this year?
The Bible, The Happiness Project and fictional, The Cupcake Cafe.

9. With whom were your most valuable relationships?

My husband and children.

10. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?

Not HEing my oldest two.

11. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?

I am not sure I have, still working on that one. Maybe not expecting everyone and everything to be perfect.

12. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?

My faith in God being restored. After first discovering that James had Epilepsy, I was angry with him, I had done all I could for my child, why him,  why my lovely little boy?  I know some have it a lot worse, I so know that, but at the time I was in shock and had to take it out on someone - and it was God.  It has taken a while, but now I realise how much I need Him in my life.

13. In what way(s) did you grow physically?
? Got fatter

14. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?

My relationship has grown with my children, accepting their want or need for school when I am against it has bonded us in a way I never thought would happen (despite the fact that they do appear a bit alien to me at times with lots of "school" type behaviour and talk). Also with James, accepting he has different needs and his way is a lot different from my other two when they were younger. 

My husband-  I have such great pride and respect for him in the job he does, and not just what he is doing but how well he is progressing.

An old friend -  we didn't speak for years, having been close once, and that friendship has been rekindled this year, and I feel confident in what I do because of this person, because she is such an inspiration. I don't see her that much, so thankful for on line communication.

15. What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)?

I enjoy keeping home and  being a wife and mum.  Since leaving the comfort of the Home Ed World, I am not so much surrounded by stay at home mums, so I feel a bit out there with this.   But it is the best thing I have ever done and am still doing.  I have so much respect for mothers staying at home, home educating or not, it seems to be very much under rated in this day and age.  I love it!

16. What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)?

Again, home edding.

17. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?

Farmville, although I have to say, when I have felt stressed, this Virtual Farm of mine has made me feel relaxed, so not necessarily a time waster.  So I would probably I would say fretting over what people think/say/feel about me, and my decisions,  family and so called friends, that is the biggest time waster of all. Some people will just never like me or get on with me or even begin to understand me, so whats the point, worse though when it is your own family (not immediate of course).

18. What was the best way you used your time this past year?

Dumping the dish cloth and spending time with my kids.  I now class housework in my "me" time and call it therapeutic.

19. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?

Things do not always go as planned, people are not always what they seem and that not everyone will always listen to your side of the story.  On a more positive note, LOVE CONQUERS ALL!

20. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2011 for you.

I have used this following verse to see me through many things this year.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Happy New Year
Louise Jane x

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Keeping the festive Spirit

I am always tempted at this time of the year to take all the decorations down and stick the tree out for the recycling collection, as having had our decs up since the first Sunday in Advent, I am sick of the sight of them.

This year, despite the fact that Mike went back to work on Boxing \Day, I am keeping the decs and the tree up as the eldest two are still on their Christmas Holidays from school, and it is lovely having them home.

So the tree remains up, there is still loads of chocolate in the Christmas Cupboard (if we had not had stomach bugs there probably wouldn't be) no turkey left though, but very bored with that now.

Anyway, moving on to how we spent our Christmas.

Christmas Eve

My favourite day of Christmas.  We visited Mikes family in the morning, which was really nice, went into town to do some last minute Christmas Shopping.  I wanted to feel Christmassy so thought that being shoved, tutted at and barged out the way in the shops would add to the Christmas Spirit.  None of that though, as it was quite quiet.

In the afternoon we had a Christmas Buffet, got stuff ready for Santa, whilst tracking him on the web, and went to bed at a reasonable time, for once.

Christmas Day

Started at 5am. After that it was spent mainly in our living room, playing with the kids toys, with them of course, reading, eating chocolate, listening to new CD's, eating Pringles, watching TV, eating Just Brazils (tesco's own as the real ones were £5.99 for about 10) listening to Carols and of course Slade and Wizzard, eating Cranberry Cheese, having baths with new smellies, eating turkey and pickles,  sledging in the snow, roasting chestnuts over an open fire ...  oh, got a bit carried away there.

So a good time all round, no visitors, no visiting, and it was bliss.

Boxing day, as I said, Mike was working, a split shift an all.  He had Tuesday off, Holiday Tuesday as they call it, so we had our "Boxing Day" then.  Planned on going for a long walk somewhere, but couldn't be arsed, so stayed in and made a start on our selection boxes.

Presents - well the kids had loads, a mixture of bargains from Charity shops, mail order, tescos, and Lakeland (cooking stuff for Becky)

Mike and I didn't spend a lot on each other, plus we decided that we would only buy for the children in the family this year, which meant of course, that we didn't get any presents back.  Thanks to an unexpected gift of money on Christmas Eve, we were able to get ourselves something  which was a nice treat.

Looking forward the new year now, not sure why, I am dreading it really, but onwards and upwards as they say.

Lou x

Friday, 23 December 2011

Christmas Eve Eve

I am ready,  I think, for Christmas.

And I have to say I have not done too badly, considering I have had the Plague and also that my youngest child has been ill, and has had to have eXtra eXtra attention from me, whilst suffering with the Plague, and my husband being ill too.

So this week, despite us all still being under the weather  we have managed to get our food shopping done (how much - wipes brow) wrapped all presents, (apart from two that need batteries) just managed to get Christmas cards in the post for the last day (have forgotten loads so will receive less next year) and have managed to fit in a few Christmas Crafts with James.

We  made our Nativity Tree

Painted some  pine cones
Mike helped him make an Fairy for the top of the little tree (with very goggly eyes I have to say)

Lots of Christmas  cooking going on,  Becky spent yesterday afternoon making cookies with the "help" of James, and she is now making her fabulous lemon cupcakes.  This morning Mike cooked the meat, first thing was the pork, then the beef, and the star of the day The Turkey, is currently defrosting waiting to be cooked tomorrow. This evening I will be making mince pies, and Danny and James will  be icing the Christmas Cake.

Its rather grotty outside at the moment, howling wind and rain, so really glad to have done most of the shopping. Just remembered in time to get the "Santa Stop Here" sign from Poundland and Christmas Sacks.  I think I am ready, just need to get batteries for a couple of toys and maybe a couple more presents for Mike then I am finished, I think, save a few foody items.  (panic panic the supermarkets are shut for one whole day).

Visited my parents this morning and had a nice little Christmas Buffet  as for the first time ever we will not see them at Christmas as they are going to Brighton to spend it with my brother, sister and their partners, so Becky sent them off with some of her lovely Christmas Cookies with orange flavoured icing.

Tomorrow we will be visiting Mikes parents and siblings, then home in time for the Crib Service at the local parish church.

Not long now before I, I mean  James, can start tracking Santa at Norad

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Not quite as planned

Didn't quite get round to blogging every day during December, and we haven't got around to doing the Christmassy things we had planned, due to the weather, but mainly because of illnesses.

Anyway, since my last post:-

Mike was working for most of the weekend, but as we had a spare morning on the Sunday due to a cancelled Rugby match, we headed to the coast for a walk and a play in the park.

On Mikes day off during the week we thought we had better finish our Christmas shopping.  First stop the best Charity Shop in Exeter, in Heavitree.   Mike and I always buy most of our presents for each other from Charity shops, its lots of fun, cheap and best of all goes to a good cause.  Also we get the children bits and pieces to fill up their Santa sacks.

Wednesday I intended to take James into the HE Group, got into Exeter, felt ill and cold, so came back home with Mike when he finished his shift.  Spent the rest of the afternoon on the sofa under the duvet.

Mike had booked a long weekend off so on Friday  we decided to go and collect pine cones from the local Uni grounds

Then into the Cafe for a latte and a special hot chocolate for James, with some nice chocolate croissants, courtesy of my mum.

Saturday was spent with Becky and Danny doing their Christmas shopping in our local High Street, and we made a quick visit in the evening to catch the end of the Christmas Fayre in the Square then popped into my parents new flat on the way back home for a cup of tea.

Sunday - another match cancelled due to a water logged pitch, so a whole Sunday free. We were planning on going to the Christingle Service in the afternoon, but James was not feeling well, so we just stayed at home, wrapping presents and writing cards. 

Since then James had been really poorly, with temperatures as high as 103 degrees.  He has an infection in both ears and is on antibiotics. At the moment he is still asleep, and the older two are getting themselves ready for school, as I will not leave James alone as high temperature increase his chance of a seizure, thankfully, so far, he hasn't had one.  Hoping and praying that it will stay that way.

Now onto school - my children are doing extremely well it seems, and I am waiting for their report to come through for the end of the year.   They are getting high marks in most subjects and have settled in well.  Danny went to the Christmas Disco last night and had a great time, Becky didn't fancy it, so she stayed at home and revised for her French test today. (In between helping me with James)

As for all things Christmassy this week, well a lot of that didn't happen, including the HE Christmas Party for James, and his Christmas Craft session at the library, and I definitely think Christmas Crealy is out for him tomorrow as well.  Mike is working this weekend,  so am not really sure what we will be doing, mainly because of James, so will wait and see.  

Hoping that the weather will settle down here too, very rough here today.
Have a good day
Lou x

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Something Christmassy

From now until Christmas Eve I will be trying in vane planning to make/cook/do something Christmassy every day.

But I started yesterday :-)

B and D were on a school break because of strikes, so we did some Christmas Baking.  D and I made mince pies (using mince with a hint of dark chocolate), made shortbread Christmas Trees with J and helped B with her Fondant Fancies.

Today, they are back to school, so  I have been helping J make Christmas Cards. He made five, then got bored! Will  be ordering my Christmas Cards today from Epilepsy Action .

Later we will head down to the Christmas Tree Festival, and have hot chocolates with cream on our return.

So today, Day 1, I have defo been Christmassy.
Seasons Greetings


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